Happy Again! – Carefree With New Breast
The surgical removal of the breast can be traumatizing. We support the complete recovery and treatment in tumor illnesses with naturally shaped breast reconstruction.
In many cases we can offer our patients immediate breast reconstruction after amputation. In small breasts a desired augmented result can be achieved via the one-stage implantation of modern and safe silicone implants. In cases of larger breasts, we recommend the intermediate use of special tissue expanders for immediate reconstruction. When the patient wakes up she can look into an attractive décolletage.
Alternatively, dependent on anatomical situation and potential post-radiation damage, breast reconstruction utilizing autologous tissue from the patient’s back, lower abdomen or thigh is possible. When necessary, there are a wide range of nipple und areola reconstruction possibilities. We will discuss all of these options with you in a simple and understandable way so that you can make your own decision.